Information Security Policy
- Implement the Information Security Management System, conduct studies for continuous maturation and improvement,
- Protect Paksel Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi information assets against all kinds of threats that may occur internally or externally, knowingly or unknowingly,
- Provide and maintain the principles of confidentiality, integrity and usability of information assets,
- Determine authorities and responsibilities for the management of information security risks and the healthy operation of security controls,
- Identify current risks by periodically conducting assessments on information security. Support an effective risk management approach in order to reduce or eliminate the identified risks related to information security to an acceptable level. Create the necessary resources by giving importance to product and technology management,
- Conduct awareness studies for the compliance of parties related to information security with the standards, maintain competent human resources,
- Ensure compliance with standards, laws and contracts related to information security,
- Evaluate the demands of our stakeholders and relevant parties regarding information security,
- Establish the necessary systems to manage information security breaches and take appropriate measures to prevent their recurrence,
- Create and manage business continuity plans.