Our FSC CoC Policy
Paksel Kimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş. undertakes to be in compliance with the FSC mission and values ​​in all its activities and processes during the period it holds the FSC CoC certificate and not to be involved in the following activities deemed unacceptable by the FSC:

  • Illegal harvest or illegal trade in forest products,
  • Violation of customary or human rights in the forestry or forest products sector,
  • Violation of workers' rights and principles defined in the International Labor Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the forestry or forest products sector,
  • Destruction of High Conservation Values ​​in forests or areas with High Conservation Value,
  • Conversion of natural forest cover,
  • Use of genetically modified organisms for any purpose other than research in forestry activities.
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